Editor, Greg McBride
Greg McBride is the author of Guest of Time (Pond Road Press, 2023); Porthole (Liam Rector First Book Prize for Poetry, Briery Creek Press, 2012); and a chapbook, Back of the Envelope (Southeast Missouri State University Press, 2009). Awards include the Boulevard Emerging Poet prize and grants in poetry from the Maryland State Arts Council. His work appears in Alaska Quarterly, Bellevue Literary Review, Boulevard, Gettysburg Review, Rhino, River Styx, Salmagundi, Southern Poetry Review, and Best American Poetry. He is a Vietnam veteran, lawyer, and Innisfree’s founding editor.
Contributing Editor, Hailey Leithauser
Hailey Leithauser is the author of Swoop, winner of the Poetry Foundation’s Emily Dickinson First Book Prize (Graywolf, 2013) and Saint Worm (Able Muse Press, 2019). Recipient of the Discovery/The Nation Prize and grants in poetry from the Maryland State Arts Council, her poems appear in Agni, Crazyhorse, Gettysburg Review, Iowa Review, Meridian, Pleiades, Poetry, and Best American Poetry. Hailey was the subject of our Closer Look series in Innisfree 37.
Contributing Editor, John Barr
John Barr was President of the Poetry Foundation for its first decade. He is the author of six books of poems and three fine press editions. His work is also widely published in magazines. Recent books, from Red Hen Press, include The Hundred Fathom Curve: New and Collected Poems and The Adventures of Ibn Opcit, a two-volume mock epic. Dante in China, a collection of new poems with introduction by Ilya Kaminsky, was published in 2018.
Contributing Essayist, In Memoriam Rod Jellema
Rod Jellema, long associated with the University of Maryland and with The Writer’s Center (Bethesda, MD), won the Towson University Prize for Literature for A Slender Grace. His last book was Incarnality: The Collected Poems (Eerdmans, 2010). Rod was the subject of our Closer Look series in Innisfree 12.