Last Night
You didn’t know. I’d kept it secret.
But now—I felt it in my waters—
it was time to tell.
I whispered in your ear
(the room was crowded)
“I’ve a surprise.”
You turned and tinkled
wide-eyed, “A surprise?” I nodded
and bustled past composite faces
up a flight of half-familiar stairs.
I took it from a shoebox
stuffed with shreddings
and hurried down.
You sat apart, unfrazzled
by the hubbub, grinning
at me lumbering before you,
hand wedged behind my back.
But when I held it out
and touched your empty pillow,
I faced once more in cold light
and in silence
the insignificance
of all we’ll never share.
Daniel P. Stokes has published poetry widely in literary magazines in Ireland, Britain, the U.S.A, Canada and Asia, and has won several poetry prizes. He has written three stage plays which have been professionally produced in Dublin, London and at the Edinburgh Festival.
Innisfree 40
A Closer Look:
Matthew Thorburn
Nancy Naomi Carlson
Alice Friman
Brock Guthrie
John Koethe
Pramod Lad
Michael Lally
Michael Lauchlan
Hailey Leithauser
John McCrory
Hugo S. Simões
Gene Twaronite
on Mildred Kiconco Barya
on Annette Sisson