M. Nasorri Pavone

The Exchange

Is it rain or luck that falls to green
a hillside while the sun scorches

elsewhere? The living abound where
water is hunted or squandered.

It could be a woman of the desert
who weaves the bolts of shimmering silk

that are sold, flown, shipped thousands
of miles to be propped in a pricey shop

where the old pipes still leak since
it’s cheaper to let those things go

in certain climates. Perhaps a woman
walks in who installed a cement patio

and swimming pool to replace a grove
of littering trees. She reaches out

to stroke the extravagant fabric—
the bolt: not a dividing line but a public

place for the passing of hands:
rolling it up, unrolling it, there, here.

M. Nasorri Pavone’s poetry has appeared in River Styx, One, Sycamore Review, New Letters, b o d y, The Cortland Review, The Citron Review, Innisfree, Rhino, DMQ Review, Pirene’s Fountain, I-70 Review, 86 Logic and others. She’s been anthologized in Beyond the Lyric Moment (Tebot Bach, 2014), nominated several times for both Best of the Net and a Pushcart Prize.

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